Updated Fall Morning Routine

As I always say, how you start your day can easily determine how the rest of your day will flow. So, refreshing my morning routine to coincide with my life changes is super important. Figuring out what works best for your life and your schedule and committing to it is the key to a morning routine that will set you up for a great day – As the seasons change, I feel that my routines need to change. Especially with the time change for the sunrise and as temperatures and daily habits change. Here is my updated Fall morning routine.  – Wake Up With A Positive Attitude & Devotion I try my best to wake up with a positive attitude. It’s my first opportunity to get my day off to a positive start.  For my morning devotion, I follow whichever one of my seasonal Bible Study Guides I am currently on. I am on week 7 of my End of Summer Bible Study that I created to remind readers of God’s grace. My Bible Study Guides are great resources to use to study God’s Word without feeling overwhelmed. It’s excellent for new believers to get familiar and comfortable with reading the Bible, and for more seasoned Christians to set aside time with God. After reading my daily scriptures, I go into prayer. If Caileigh wakes up early, I’ll play the Jesus Loves Me video for kids on YT for her so she can listen to Christian music during devotion time. – Freshen Up & Get Dressed By this time my daughter is up and it’s officially time to start our day. I’ll sing my morning song to Caileigh and change her diaper. I’ll then get cleaned, dressed,  and ready for the day while she watches something positive and inspirational to entertain her. If you have kids, it’s best to get yourself ready before them. This way you know everything needed is done and you can give them the time they need to have a great start to their day. – Makeup My Bed I believe making your bed will give you that one less reason to get back into it. I know when I make my bed in the morning, I feel just a little more put together and more awake. My room looks more organized and pretty which makes me less likely to mess it up by getting back into it during the day. – Get Caileigh Ready Now that I’m all set, it’s time to get the baby ready. I’ll select two outfits and let her choose which one she wants to wear. It is the cutest thing ever watching her decide and grab which one she wants.  Giving your kids guided options is a great way to build their confidence and sense of self. I also make sure to describe the outfit choices as well to extend the learning opportunity. I sing the Hooky Pookie song while putting in her top and bottoms as a way of teaching her her right and left sides and arms and legs or hands and feet.  Once she’s dressed, I’ll brush her hair and wash her face. – Get Pretty I don’t normally wear makeup on a daily basis anymore. When I do my makeup and hair, it’s after Caileigh and I are dressed. It’s much easier to put a shirt over your face before your makeup and your hair are done. – Quick & Easy Breakfast Breakfast on workdays is usually a bowl of instant oatmeal. It only takes a few minutes and I don’t have to think about what to make.  For now, Caileigh will get a piece of fruit in her Dr. Brown’s silicone feeder, usually pear. – Feed My Fur Babies While my breakfast is getting ready and Caileigh is eating hers, I will feed my cats, Comet and Cosmo. and give them their water. – Nap and Work By this time Caileigh is ready for her first nap. Once she’s asleep, I will start my work for the day. If you watched my Plan with Me for September, you know I created a flexible daily schedule for work and homemaking. Usually, I would have used a block schedule with set times. Since I work around Caileigh’s naps, my schedule is a simple list of my daily task.   I’ll work on a task or two in the mornings while she naps. Once she wakes up it’s around noon and time for a diaper change and lunch.  – Well, there you have it. These are the steps I take in my morning routine each day that has been working best for me and Caileigh. I hope you can take what I do and apply some of the steps to help with your morning routine. – xoxo Tish – P.S. Do what makes your soul happy! – unknown – Enjoyed today’s post? Please make sure you leave a comment, subscribe to receive notifications of future blog posts, and use the share buttons to share this post on social media. As always, thanks for stopping by, and live your best life!