sunday reset

Weekly Reset Routine | How I Stay Organized And Plan For A New Week

Meal Plan & Grocery Shopping

I actually get a head start on my Sunday reset with my meal plan and grocery order on Saturday. We try to make sure our grocery pick-up is scheduled for Sunday morning, so we’ll meal plan by Saturday for the next week so we can put our order in before going to bed Saturday night. I use my weekly meal planner to plan out our breakfast lunch and dinner for the week. It helps not only to plan out our meals but also to see what ingredients and supplies we need to buy to prepare them. We normally schedule our pick-up time for before or after church.

Devotion & Church

My Sunday devotion is a little different. Sunday is one of two days during the week when my prayers are focused on giving thanks rather than asking for things. People tend to spend their prayer time asking God to fulfill their needs. So, on Sunday I start the week off thanking God for all He has done, is doing, and will do for my family and me. 

We are still “watching” church. So, when it’s time to go to church, we head to the living room as a family and watch church together.

Clean Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home, so it’s the one room I like to make sure is clean as we reset for a new week. It also makes sense to clean the kitchen on Sundays because it’s usually the day we spend the most time in it and restock our groceries.

sunday reset
Vacuum Floors

In addition to cleaning the kitchen, I also like to vacuum throughout the house. Each room has its own day to be cleaned, but with two cats, the floors get really dusty. This just helps to keep the house more in order as we start off the week. 

Restock Baby Supplies

Before giving the baby her bath, I like to go ahead and check her supplies and restock them as needed. This also helps to always be ahead of when we may need to order more. I restock her diapers in her drawer and fill up her caddie we keep in the living room with burp cloths and nursing pads.

Review Monthly Planner

This is when I plan for the week. I just created a new weekly planner that I’m using to keep me organized for the week. I check each of my monthly planners and consolidate all of my tasks for the week. I will also make note of future tasks for later weeks that I need to start preparing for. I create a weekly focus and determine my top three goals as well as my normal daily tasks.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Do what makes your soul happy! – unknown

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