What Refreshes My Soul

A couple of weeks ago, I shared how I spend my quiet time. Every day I take time in the morning to be still, and be silent, as I spend time with God.

Every moment I intentionally spend with God is another moment for me to refresh my soul. 

But, let’s be real. Life still happens, and there are plenty of times where I feel like my soul is not at ease. 

This is usually the time when I feel a disconnect from God. So, to get my soul back at ease, there are some things I do to refresh my soul.

Check Myself

One of the first things I try to do when I feel a disconnect and need to refresh my soul is to try to figure out what is going on with me to cause it. The great thing about God is, no matter how disconnected we feel, He is always still right there with us. When we feel a disconnect it means there is something going on within us, not Him.

To figure out what is bothering my spirit, I do a self-reflection and/or self-discovery. I think about what’s changed recently, who I spent time with, how I have been feeling physically, etc. to determine what may be causing my shift. If it’s something minor, I then figure out ways to cope. If it’s something major, I’ll come up with a more spiritual way to overcome it.

Focus More

Sometimes, all it takes is for me to focus more, during my devotion. Having that intent forces me to truly clear my mind and be silent from distractions.


Fasting is a great way for me to refresh my soul. I enjoy doing the Daniel fast because it is a great way to spiritually and physically detox. 

When fasting, it’s important to remember to pray. My goal in fasting is for God to reveal something to me that I’ve not been able to clearly see. Normally, it’s His will for a certain decision I need to make, or just for spiritual clarity when I’m feeling disconnected because of trials in my life.

Bible Reading Plans

If you haven’t joined in on my seasonal Bible Reading Plans, make sure you check them out. 

I normally focus the selected scriptures on an area of my life I need clarity or growth. I’ll use that reading plan to help refresh my soul during that season. Although they are seasonal, I don’t select readings just for that season, so they can be read anytime throughout the year.

Listen to Gospel Music

Although I don’t listen to my gospel station every time I get into my car, there are some days when I just need to turn the radio on or just listen to my gospel CDs. 

Talk about a move in your spirit. There are certain songs that just preach a word to my spirit every single time I listen to them. I love how the lyricist takes scripture and turns it into lyrics that speak to me in a different way. 


The easiest thing I do to help refresh my soul is to pray. I talk to God as my best friend, who just happens to also be my Creator. When I’m struggling, I tell Him. When I’m angry at Him, I respectfully let Him know. God already knows how I feel and He wants for me to want Him. He created us to have a relationship with Him, so going to Him is the best decision you can make to refresh your soul. 

xoxo Tish

P.S. Be the reason someone smiles today. – unknown

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